Friday, August 20, 2010

The Mentalist Extra

Yes, this is Simon Baker and I got to hang out with him for the day. Yes, he is very handsome in real life. He may not really realize he hung out with me, but I am claiming it. My friend, Koreen, knew the Mentalist was filming in Sacramento and we decided to go downtown to see if we could watch them film.

We head down at 6am and by 6:30am we saw a bunch of people checking in for the day with outfits. We ask if they needed anymore extras, not really thinking they would say yes. They eventually said we could be an extra for the day. AWESOME!

We ended up being in 5 scenes.
The First: We walked behind a press conference. We were just pedestrians.

The Second: The press conference was filmed at a different angle. We stood behind the press conference acting like bystanders wondering what was happening.

The Third: Directly in front of the Capital: Koreen and I stood near some CHP horses and we got to pet the horses. These horses were so beautiful that they wanted them in the scene, so we had to get in the final cut. It was fun chatting with the CHP officers and the horses got so much attention from the cast and crew.

The Fourth: It was a similar scene, but with a different view. They had me move and walk up the steps of the West side of the Capital. It was a wide view of the scene and it might be at the beginning of the scene.

The Fifth: Simon and Robin (see below) were walking out a building and down a street to a car. I got to walk right in between Simon and the camera. It was nerve racking but so fun. The extra supervisor, Aaron, had to stand next to me and move me into position each time so I would walk in the right spot. Seriously, I would brush past Simon each time. So fun!!!

So sadly, no pictures. They warned us that we could not pull out a camera and take a picture. If we did, we would be arrested (I think they like to scare us). No autographs, no talking during filming, NO LOOKING AT THE CAMERA, and know your starting spot. When they say re-set, hurry back to your spot.

Well, Simon Baker was so fun to watch. He was friendly and joked around with the crew. Robin was pretty serious, but she would joke with Simon.

They had fancy chairs to sit on under an Easy-up during breaks. They were rushed back to their trailers anytime they had a little break.

Simon is pretty skinny and Robin is extremely tiny. He also is probably only 5'9" and she is 5'3".

They don't wear as much make-up as I thought they would.

They also speak pretty softly during a scene (they have great microphones that hook in their shoes).
The scenes should be in the first episodes of the next season and maybe others throughout the year. They only come to Sacramento once a year. The Mentalist is "based" out of Sacramento.
They fed us well. They catered lunch in the basement of the Capital.

I made a whopping, $60.00 and loved every minute of it.

Seriously, all the time and effort they put into today will probably only be a total of two minutes combined on the T.V. show. Crazy!

This was such a fun experience. It was a lot of walking, standing around, and fake talking. I would totally do it again, but I am not going to go to Hollywood anytime soon.


the hamms said...

so when will it air, or did I miss that?

Adam and Heather said...

ahhh!! i'm so excited. i love that show. i'm totally going to watch for you.

Charla and Jarom said...

That is sooooo awesome! I am going to watch to try to see you! You better fill us in if you know exactly which episode you're in! What a fun day for you!

keciathompson said...

So cool!!!! Can't wait to see the show! HUGS!

Tristan said...
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Erixgirl said...

Oh my gosh!!! That's so awesome!!!! And, I'm also super excited to have found your blog! I'm one of the rare people who don't Facebook so I never know what's going on but I'm glad I can at least follow you on your blog! Hope all is well!

Melissa said...

Shana told me about your memory-making experience as an extra and pointed me to your blog. So fun! I love that show... I'll keep an eye out for you. :)

Shana ;O) said...

That has to be the most fun I have had watching a show in a long time. Thank you for being awesome and for having the spunk to go out and take fame future by the hand. I'll have to buy this episode on iTunes just so I can say "Hey I knew these two gils when"